Bookish for life

Anthropology graduate, anglophile, social justice activist, chocoholic, traveler and book lover from the German-speaking part of Switzerland, currently working in the renewable energy sector. Books have been my passion since before I could read.


Considering using this as a replacement for my Goodreads account, where I've been keeping track of what I read (audiobooks included). You can find a record of the dead-tree books I own on LibraryThing. As of now I haven't imported those yet.

Mauvais Genre

Mauvais Genre - Chloé Cruchaudet Completely unimportant, but wow, my French is rusty! :) Anyways, a fascinating book - both in words and images. The drawing is beautifully sparse and the story of Paul/Suzy and Louise poignantly and touchingly told. A lot is left unsaid, has to be inferred, which suits the style very well.